CSLEA Foundation Committee
Alan Barcelona, Committee Member
President - California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA)
Alan Barcelona leads a statewide law enforcement organization that is the central thread in the public safety net of California and one of America’s most fascinating law-enforcement groups.
Kenneth Ehrman, Chairperson
Kenneth Ehrman began his law enforcement career in 1994 as a Correctional Officer with the California Department of Corrections. Five years later, he transferred to the Department of Motor Vehicles as an Investigator, where he remains today. While at DMV, Kenneth has served in variety of assignments including Internal Affairs, Background Investigations, Fraudulent Document Detection Trainer, DMV Investigator Orientation Course (DIOC) Instructor and Defensive Tactics Instructor.
Tina Brazil, Secretary
The dispatchers of the California Highway Patrol are the first to answer almost all of the state’s 911 calls from cell phones. At more than nine million calls a year and rising, Tina Brazil has a mountain to climb in her goals to make CHP dispatchers want to stay with the state and to educate the public on how vitally important these front-line workers are to their lives.
Ricardo Sanchez, Treasurer
Ricardo Sanchez is starting his third decade in law enforcement on behalf of the people of California. He started his career with the former State Police department shortly before it was legislatively merged with the California Highway Patrol. Right afterwards, he joined the California Department of Motor Vehicles as an investigator.
Tom Ineichen, Committee Member
The California Association of Regulatory Investigators and Inspectors Mr. Ineichen (In-I-Kin) leads are the state"s green police, home protectors, and product safety experts who make the environment we breathe and the waters our commerce travels on cleaner, as well as ensuring the goods and services we buy are up to legal code.